I Clinical Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
2007 Vol 1.1 Vol 1.2 Vol 1.3 Vol 1.4 2008 Vol 2.1 Vol 2.2 Vol 2.3 Vol 2.4 Suppl Vol 2.4 2009 V0l 3.1 Vol 3.2 Vol 3.3 2010 Vol4.1 Vol 4.2
II Residents Case study
2010 Case 1 leg pain Case2 cystic swelling shoulder Case 3 Atypical impingement Case 4 Painful finger tip Case 5 Exercise induced pain Case 5 winged scapula Case 5 Dislocated elbow Case 6 Congenital foot Case 7 Pain right ankle Case 8 Trivial injury Neck Case 9 Monoarticular arthritis
Ans: 1 Ribbing disease 2 Paralabral cyst 3 Amyotropic Neuralgia 4 Glomus tumor 5 exertional syndrome 6 Scapular winging 7 PVNS 8 Klippel Fiel Syndrome 9 D/D Monoarticular arthritis
2011 Case 10 Lateral condylar fracture Case 11 Ankle injury Case 12 Spine fracture Case 13 Diffuse bone pain Case 14 Sacral pain Case 15 Multiple lytic lesion Case 16 Deformed wrist Case 17 Soft tissue swelling Case 18 Thoracic pain Case 19 Bone lesion Case 20 Hard swelling leg
Ans: 10. Lateral condylar fracture 11. Tillaux Fracture 12. Chance fracture 13. Osteomalacia 14.Insufficiency fracture 15. Angiosarcoma 16 Madelung deformity 17. sarcoma 18. TB spondylitis 19. Osteosarcoma 20 Calcific myonecrosis
2012 Case 20 Hypothenar swelling Case 21 Chest injury Case 23 Swelling distal arm Case 24 Painful distal femur Case 25 Fat atrophy SS Case 26 Insidous foot pain Case 27 Groin Pain in 16 Y Case 28 Thoracic pain Case 29 Post radiation LBA Case 30 Ceramic THR
Ans: 21 Hypothenar syndrome 22 Post S-Cl dislocation 23. Eosinophilic gran 22 Brodies Abscess 25 Fat atrophy 26. Insertional tendinopathy 27 FAIS 28 ABC 29 AVN 30 Fractured ceramic head
2013 Case 31 Massive disc herneation Case 32 Annular tear Case 33 Modic changes Case 34 Disc Degeneration Case 35 End plate lesion Case 36 Failed back Case 37 Cauda Equina Case 38 Spondylolysis Case 39 Deg Listhesis Case 40 Osteoporotic spine Case 41.Spine cyst 42.CRPS in Disc protursion Ans: Common back conditions in orthopaedics
2014 Case 43 Post ACL recon Case 44 Frontal bossing Case 45 Benign bone lesion Case 46 Osteolysis of the thumb Case 47 # Distal phalanx Case 48: Joint laxity Case 49 Painful knee Case 51 Hip Pain Case 50 Elbow Stress test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aoMuERACiA Case 52 Shoulder Pain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9KYW -8N7nw&feature=youtu.be Case 53 Shoulder Pain Case 54 Painful knee at 40 yrs
Ans: 43. Assessment of ACL recon 44.Achondroplasia 45. CMF 46. Acrometastases 47. Seymor fracture 48. Ligament laxity 49.SPONK 50.Posterolateral instability 51. Arthritis following SUFE 52. Rec Posterior subluxation 53. Subscapularis tear 54. Post ACL arthritis
2015 Case. 55 Swelling R shoulder 56 Painful THR 57 II Metatarsalgia 58 Valgus knee injury 59. L3 radiculopathy 60. Benign finger swelling 61. Painful shoulder 62. Painful ankle 63. Painful great toe 64 Pain of midlateral foot
Ans: 55. ACJ cyst 56. ARMD 56. Pseudotumor Hip 57. Metatarophalangeal Instability, 58. Deep MCL avulsion 59. CRPS type II after surgery 60. GCT of tendon sheath 61. Glenoid dysplasia 62. Transient osteorosis 63. Painful sesamioid 64. Jones Fracture
2016 Case 65 Wrist swelling 66 Surgery around lateral malleolus 67 Spotter 68 Backache
Ans Case 65 Ganglion 66 Peronie conditions 67. Achondroplasia 68. Sacral insufficiency fracture
III. Undergraduate Teaching
1. Trauma
2. Cauda equina
3. Bone infection
4.Slipped femoral Epiphyses [SUFE]
IV. Nurses
V. ACC talks
Leg affection
Treatment injury
Treatment Injury